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Patient safety

Many Healthcare organisations have noticed the enormous results in improving communication and teamwork within operating theatres through strategies such as implementing easy to read named theatre hats. 

  • Surgical errors: miscommunication between surgical team members can lead to surgical errors such as wrong-site surgery, wrong-patient surgery, or the wrong procedure. These errors can have serious consequences for patients, including the need for additional surgeries, prolonged recovery times, and even permanent injury or death.

  • Delayed or inadequate responses to changes in patients' condition: miscommunication among the surgical team can result in delayed or inadequate responses to changes in the patient's condition during surgery. For example, failure to communicate vital signs or concerns about the patient's well-being can lead to delays in necessary interventions, potentially resulting in harm to the patient.  Some staff in operating theatres do not know the names of the people they are working with, so this can delay the communication amongst the team.

  • Team coordination issues: miscommunication can lead to coordination problems among surgical team members, potentially causing inefficiencies, misunderstandings or conflicts that can compromise the overall quality of patient care and surgical outcomes. Hierarchical barriers are one of the many reasons for these inefficiencies and having names and roles on theatre hats has been proven to break these barriers down and allow staff members to speak up about their concerns.

Before Surgery
Operation Room
Eco Ninjas Hammock hat design, with yellow name and role badge

The positives

  • Patient Safety
    Fewer mistakes are made when communication is enhanced.


  • Confidence
    Staff are clearly able to identify their co-workers which increases their confidence.

  • Identity
    Reducing patient’s anxiety. To see a name is very reassuring to the patient.

  • Reassurance
    Staff & patients feel reassured because human factors are enhanced when names and roles are clearly visible.

  • Medical errors
    “Medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, just behind heart disease and cancer. Globally it is believed that medical errors kill more people than HIV, Malaria, and Tuberculosis, combined”.  (Patient safety network, 2020).

Fashion Models which could mistake identity

Incidences of misidentification

​Miscommunication in operating theatres can lead to a variety of adverse events, some of which may have serious consequences for patients. Here are some examples of adverse events that can result from miscommunication in operating theatres:

  • ​A consultant paediatric surgeon believing his assistant to be a surgical fellow asked a leading question – ‘You’re okay to finish this operation aren’t you’. Perhaps assuming that he was supposed to be the medical student completing the case. The medical student was later reprimanded for not speaking up.

  • A gynaecologist made a hole in the patient’s bowel, so the colorectal surgeon was called. On arrival they were asked to scrub in. After spending 15 minutes trying to find the hole the gynaecologist asked his colleague what they should do to which his colleague replied, ‘I’m not sure – you do realise I’m a medical student’.

  • An anaesthetist believed that a staff member (who was a porter) was a qualified nurse in checking blood, allowed blood to be given. Unfortunately, due to the staff member being a theatre porter and not trained in checking blood products, the wrong blood was given, and the patient died. Staff misidentification was felt to be a major contributory factor.


  • As a nurse practitioner working with female obstetrics-gynaecology residents, I hear complaints about mistaken identity all the time. (see here)

  • As a junior hospital doctor, it was an almost daily occurrence that patients would mistake me for a nurse, student, or anything other than a doctor. (see here)

  • Unfortunately, I have heard countless stories of them (doctors) being mistaken for transport staff, technicians, and cooks. (see here)

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